(800) 699-7801


At MTI, our biggest asset is our people. We take all necessary measures to ensure we’ve got the best team. Our pre-employment training is the foundation of our success and is based on three key principles: Accountability, Driver-Customer Interaction, and Job Preparation.

We Value Accountability.

Prior to making any delivery, we take time to understand our customers’ policies and procedures. Our drivers are well trained on the importance of handling our customers’ paperwork, products, and returns. It’s imperative that every delivery is completed and any problems are communicated prior to the next delivery. Our extensive training program fosters loyalty within our company and a desire for our drivers to understand their role and the needs of each client.

We Train Specifically for Driver-Customer Interaction.

Our drivers are representing your business and it’s critical that they are well groomed, competent, polite, and professional. As part of our incentive program, drivers are rewarded for being true customer service representatives. They are continually educated on the importance of being courteous and using good communication skills in order to facilitate satisfied customer interaction.

Our Drivers Arrive Prepared for the Job.

In our line of business, the job needs to be completed perfectly the first time. We spend time training our employees to not only know what they need in order to be prepared for each delivery, but to make sure they have everything necessary in their vehicle before leaving dispatch. Our monthly driver meetings reiterate this importance and ensure our standards, and the standards of our clients, are being met.

We assure you that we hire and train excellent drivers so that you can enjoy the benefits of outsourcing with complete confidence that your procedures and best interests are being looked after.